Title: | Simulated effects of salt-mine collapse on ground-water flow and land subsidence in a glacial aquifer system, Livingston County, New York |
Author: | Yager, Richard M. |
Author: | Kappel, William M. |
Author: | Miller, Todd S. |
Author: | Livingston County (N.Y.). Department of Health |
Author: | Geological Survey (U.S.) |
Note: | U.S. Geological Survey ;, 2001 |
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Subject: | Groundwater flow -- Computer simulation |
Subject: | Groundwater flow -- New York (State) -- Livingston County -- Computer simulation |
Subject: | Grundwasserleiter |
Subject: | New York (State) -- Livingston County |
Subject: | Subsidences (Earth movements) -- Computer simulation |
Subject: | Subsidences (Earth movements) -- New York (State) -- Livingston County -- Computer simulation |
Subject: | Wassergüte |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |