Title: | The law of collisions on land |
Author: | Roberts, R. O. (Richard Owen), 1876-1929 |
Author: | Gibb, Andrew Dewar, 1888-1974 |
Author: | Roberts-Wray, Kenneth, Sir |
Note: | Sweet & Maxwell, 1925 |
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Subject: | Aansprakelijkheid |
Subject: | Accident law |
Subject: | Accident law -- Great Britain |
Subject: | Accidents -- Droit -- Grande-Bretagne |
Subject: | Common law |
Subject: | Criminal law |
Subject: | Damages |
Subject: | Damages -- Great Britain |
Subject: | Dommages-intérêts |
Subject: | Forms (Law) |
Subject: | Forms (Law) -- Great Britain |
Subject: | Formulaires (Droit) -- Grande-Bretagne |
Subject: | Highway law |
Subject: | Highway law -- Great Britain |
Subject: | Liability, Legal |
Subject: | Negligence, Contributory |
Subject: | Negligence, Contributory -- Great Britain |
Subject: | Négligence (Droit) |
Subject: | Négligence (Droit) -- Grande-Bretagne |
Subject: | Privatrecht |
Subject: | Recht |
Subject: | Responsabilité civile |
Subject: | Routes -- Droit -- Grande-Bretagne |
Subject: | Schadevergoeding |
Subject: | Torts |
Subject: | Verkeersongevallen |
Subject: | Negligence |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |