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Trials and Confessions of Madison Henderson, Alias Blanchard, Alfred Amos Warrick, James W. Seward, and Charles Brown, Murderers of Jesse Baker and Jacob Weaver, as Given by Themselves; and A Likeness of Each, Taken in Jail Shortly after Their Arrest

Title:Trials and Confessions of Madison Henderson, Alias Blanchard, Alfred Amos Warrick, James W. Seward, and Charles Brown, Murderers of Jesse Baker and Jacob Weaver, as Given by Themselves; and A Likeness of Each, Taken in Jail Shortly after Their Arrest
Editor:Chambers, A. B. (Adam B.)
Contributor:Henderson, Madison, approximately 1806-1841
Contributor:Seward, James W.
Contributor:Warrick, Alfred Amos
Contributor:Brown, Charles
Note:St. Louis: Chambers and Knapp, 1841
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Subject:Enslaved persons' writings, American
Subject:Last words
Subject:African Americans -- Biography
Subject:African American criminals -- Biography
Subject:Enslaved persons -- United States -- Biography
Subject:Murder -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Subject:Trials (Murder) -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Call number:E444 .C65 1841
Other copies:Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere.

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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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