Title: | Lost Utopias: A Brief Description of Three Quests for Happiness, Alcott's Fruitlands, Old Shaker House, and American Indian Museum, Rescued From Oblivion, Recorded and Preserved by Clara Endicott Sears on Prospect Hill in the Old Township of Harvard, Massachusetts |
Author: | O'Brien, Harriet Ellen |
Note: | Boston: P. Walton, c1929 |
Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
Stable link here: | https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupid?key=olbp85009 |
Subject: | Fruitlands (Harvard, Mass.) |
Subject: | Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888 |
Subject: | Sears, Clara Endicott, 1863-1960 |
Subject: | Shakers |
Subject: | Museums -- Massachusetts -- Harvard |
Call number: | F74 .H4 O13 |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu)
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