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A dialogue or Familiar talke betwene two neighbours co[n]cernyng the chyefest ceremonyes, that were, by the mighti power of Gods most holie pure worde, suppressed in Englande, and nowe for vnworthines, set vp agayne by the bishoppes, the impes of Antichrist: right learned, profitable, and pleasaunt to be read, for the comfort of weake co[n]sciences in these troublous daies. Read first, and then iudge.

Title:A dialogue or Familiar talke betwene two neighbours co[n]cernyng the chyefest ceremonyes, that were, by the mighti power of Gods most holie pure worde, suppressed in Englande, and nowe for vnworthines, set vp agayne by the bishoppes, the impes of Antichrist: right learned, profitable, and pleasaunt to be read, for the comfort of weake co[n]sciences in these troublous daies. Read first, and then iudge.
Note:From Roane [i.e. London?] : By Michael Wodde [i.e. John Day], the .xx. of February. Anno. Domi, M.D.L.IIII. [1554]
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Subject:Church of England -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- Church history -- 16th century
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