Title: | De officio fidelis et prudentis magistratus tempore pestilentiae rempublican a contagio praeservandi liberandique. English |
Alternate title: | The duetie of a faithfull and wise magistrate, in preseruing and deliuering of the eommon [sic] wealth from infection, in the time of the plague or pestilence two bookes. Written in Latine by Iohn Ewich, ordinary phisition of the woorthie common wealth of Breame, and newlie turned into English by Iohn Stockwood schoolemaister of Tunbridge. ... |
Author: | Ewich, Johann von, 1525-1588 |
Author: | Stockwood, John, -1610 |
Note: | Imprinted at London : At the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson, 1583 |
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Subject: | Plague -- Government policy -- Early works to 1800 |
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