Title: | A schoole for young souldiers containing in breife the whole discipline of vvarre, especially so much as is meet for captaine to teach, or the souldior to learne, that is, to trayne or to bee trayned : fit to be taught throughout England. |
Author: | Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637 |
Note: | London : Printed for Iohn Trundle dwelling in Barbican at the signe of Nobody, [1615] |
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Subject: | England and Wales -- Army -- Drill and tactics -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Drill and minor tactics -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Broadsides -- London (England) -- 17th century |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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