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The XII. wonders of the vvorld Set and composed for the violl de gambo, the lute, and the voyce to sing the verse, all three ioyntly, and none seuerall: also lessons for the lute and base violl to play alone: with some lessons to play lyra-wayes alone, or if you will, to fill vp the parts, with another violl set lute-way. Newly composed by Iohn Maynard, lutenist at the most famouse schoole of St. Iulians in Hartfordshire.

Title:The XII. wonders of the vvorld Set and composed for the violl de gambo, the lute, and the voyce to sing the verse, all three ioyntly, and none seuerall: also lessons for the lute and base violl to play alone: with some lessons to play lyra-wayes alone, or if you will, to fill vp the parts, with another violl set lute-way. Newly composed by Iohn Maynard, lutenist at the most famouse schoole of St. Iulians in Hartfordshire.
Note:London : Printed by Thomas Snodham for Iohn Browne, and are to be solde at his shop in Saint Dunstones Church-yard in Fleetstreete, 1611
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Subject:Songs, English -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Songs with instrumental ensemble -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Viola da gamba and lute music -- Early works to 1800
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