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Bartholomew fairing for parentes.

Title:Bartholomew fairing for parentes.
Alternate title:A Bartholmew fairing for parentes to bestow vpon their sonnes and daughters, and for one friend to giue vnto another: shevving that children are not to marie, without the consent of their parentes, in whose povver and choise it lieth to prouide wiues and husbandes for their sonnes and daughters. Wherin is sufficiently prooued, what in this point is the office of the fathers and in like maner declared the part and duty of all obedient children. By Iohn Stockvvood, minister and preacher of Tunbridge.
Note:London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, for Iohn Harrison the younger, dwelling in pater Noster-rowe, at the signe of the golden Anchor, 1589
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Subject:Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Church of England -- Early works to 1800
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