Title: | Making plaine of the rules of construction. |
Alternate title: | A plaine and easie laying open of the meaning and vnderstanding of the rules of construction in the English accidence appointed by authoritie to be taught in all schooles of hir Maiesties dominions, for the great vse and benefite of yoong beginners: by Iohn Stockwood sometime schoolmaster of Tunbridge. |
Alternate title: | Plaine and easie laying open of the meaning and understanding of the rules of construction in the English accidence |
Alternate title: | Plaine and easie laying open of the meaning and understanding of the rules of construction in the English accidence. |
Author: | Stockwood, John, -1610 |
Note: | Imprinted at London : By [Eliot's Court Press for] the assignes of Francis Flower, 1590 |
Link: | HTML at EEBO TCP |
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Subject: | Lily, William 1468?-1522 -- Introduction of the eyght partes of speche |
Subject: | English language -- Grammar -- Textbooks -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | English language -- Grammar -- 1500-1800 |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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