Title: | The schoolemaster, or teacher of table philosophie A most pleasant and merie companion, wel worthy to be welcomed (for a dayly gheast) not onely to all mens boorde, to guyde them with moderate [and] holsome dyet: but also into euery mans companie at all tymes, to recreate their mindes, with honest mirth and delectable deuises: to sundrie pleasant purposes of pleasure and pastyme. Gathered out of diuers, the best approued auctours: and deuided into foure pithy and pleasant treatises, as it may appeare by the contentes. |
Author: | Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613 |
Author: | Anguilbertus, Theobaldus. Mensa philosophica |
Author: | Turswell, Thomas, 1548-1585, attributed name |
Note: | Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iones: dwelling ouer-agaynst S. Sepulchers Church without Newgate, 1576 |
Link: | HTML at EEBO TCP |
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Subject: | Food -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Diet -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Wit and humor -- Early works to 1800 |
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