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A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning, the taking of the fume of tobacco vvhich very many, in these dayes, doe too too licentiously vse. In which, the immoderate, irregular, and vnseasonable vse thereof is reprehended, and the true nature and best manner of vsing it, perspicuously demonstrated. By Tobias Venner, Doctor of Physicke in Bath, in the spring and fall, and at other times, in the borough of North Petherton neare to the ancient hauen towne of Bridge-water in Somersetshire.

Title:A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning, the taking of the fume of tobacco vvhich very many, in these dayes, doe too too licentiously vse. In which, the immoderate, irregular, and vnseasonable vse thereof is reprehended, and the true nature and best manner of vsing it, perspicuously demonstrated. By Tobias Venner, Doctor of Physicke in Bath, in the spring and fall, and at other times, in the borough of North Petherton neare to the ancient hauen towne of Bridge-water in Somersetshire.
Note:At London : Printed by W[illiam] I[ones] for Richard Moore, and are to be solde at his shop in S. Dunstons Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1621
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Subject:Smoking -- Early works to 1800
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