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Confutatio responsionis Gulielmi Whitakeri ad Rationes decem.

Title:Confutatio responsionis Gulielmi Whitakeri ad Rationes decem.
Alternate title:An ansvvere to the Ten reasons of Edmund Campian the Iesuit in confidence wherof he offered disputation to the ministers of the Church of England, in the controuersie of faith. Whereunto is added in briefe marginall notes, the summe of the defence of those reasons by Iohn Duræus the Scot, being a priest and a Iesuit, with a reply vnto it. Written first in the Latine tongue by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ and his Church, William Whitakers, Doctor in Diuinitie, and the Kings Professor and publike reader of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. And now faithfully translated for the benefit of the vnlearned (at the appointment and desire of some in authoritie) into the English tongue; by Richard Stocke, preacher in London. ...
Alternate title:Ad Rationes decem Edmundi Campiani Jesuitæ responsio. English
Alternate title:Ad Rationes decem Edmundi Campiani Jesuitæ responsio.
Alternate title:Answere to the Ten reasons of Edmund Campian the Jesuit.
Alternate title:Rationes decem.
Alternate title:Responsionis ad Decem illas rationes.
Note:Imprinted at London : By Felix Kyngston, for Cuthbert Burby and Edmund Weauer, 1606
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Subject:Campion, Edmund, Saint, 1540-1581 -- Rationes decem -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Catholic Church -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800
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