Title: | Sendbrief. In forme van supplicatie aen die Conincklicke Majesteyt van Spaengien. English |
Alternate title: | A supplication to the Kings Maiestie of Spayne, made by the Prince of Orange, the states of Holland and Zeland, with all other his faithfull subiectes of the low Countreys, presently suppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards. By which is declared the originall beginning of al the commotions [and] troubles happened in the sayd low Countrie: to the relief wherof, they require his Maiesties speedy redresse and remedie. Faithfully translated out of Duytsch into English, by T.W. |
Author: | William I, Prince of Orange, 1533-1584 |
Author: | Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 |
Author: | T. W., fl. 1573-1595 |
Note: | Imprinted at London : By Henry Middleton, 1573 |
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Subject: | Netherlands -- History -- Wars of Independence, 1556-1648 -- Early works to 1800 |
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