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An Account of the araignment, tryal & conviction of James, Lord Preston, for high treason, in conspiring the death of the King and Queen, and endeavouring to bring in the late King James, and betray the nation to the French king at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, on Friday and Saturday the 16th and 17th instant, before the Lord Chief Justice, &c. : with the manner of the taking the Lord Preston, Mr. Ashton, Mr. Elliot, &c., and an account of the several treasonable papers and letters, that were found on ship-board : to which is added divers remarkable relations in the life of the said Lord Preston.

Title:An Account of the araignment, tryal & conviction of James, Lord Preston, for high treason, in conspiring the death of the King and Queen, and endeavouring to bring in the late King James, and betray the nation to the French king at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, on Friday and Saturday the 16th and 17th instant, before the Lord Chief Justice, &c. : with the manner of the taking the Lord Preston, Mr. Ashton, Mr. Elliot, &c., and an account of the several treasonable papers and letters, that were found on ship-board : to which is added divers remarkable relations in the life of the said Lord Preston.
Note:London : Printed for T. Collins ..., 1691
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Subject:Preston, Richard Graham, Viscount, 1648-1695 -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Subject:Ashton, John, d. 1691 -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Subject:Trials (Treason) -- England
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- William and Mary, 1689-1702
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