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The wonderful confirmation of the succession of the kingdom of Christ at 1697 deriv'd from the 42 moons of the Beast, then ending : given by prophecy so as to be calculated according to the famous cycle of the moon, styl'd the Golden Number, found out first by the famous Athenian astronomer Meton, about the year of the world 3574, embraced by the fathers of the Nicene Council about the year of our Lord 325, for the setting their antipaschal or Easter, supposited to the true Christian paschal of the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Day ordained by Christ / digested into these propositions following.

Title:The wonderful confirmation of the succession of the kingdom of Christ at 1697 deriv'd from the 42 moons of the Beast, then ending : given by prophecy so as to be calculated according to the famous cycle of the moon, styl'd the Golden Number, found out first by the famous Athenian astronomer Meton, about the year of the world 3574, embraced by the fathers of the Nicene Council about the year of our Lord 325, for the setting their antipaschal or Easter, supposited to the true Christian paschal of the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Day ordained by Christ / digested into these propositions following.
Note:[London : s.n., 1690?]
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Subject:Millennium -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Second Advent -- Early works to 1800
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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