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The dilucidation of the late commotions of Turkey containing an exact and distinct account of all causes and motives of the deposing of Mahomet, and of the advancing of Soliman to the imperial throne of Constantinople, gather'd from the letters of a person dwelling in, and minutely inform'd of the affairs of that city, and consecrated to the ever august merit of the most serene elector of Bavaria / printed in Italian at Venice, and translated into English by the author of the Monthly Account; to be annex'd to numb. 10 of the Monthly Account.

Title:The dilucidation of the late commotions of Turkey containing an exact and distinct account of all causes and motives of the deposing of Mahomet, and of the advancing of Soliman to the imperial throne of Constantinople, gather'd from the letters of a person dwelling in, and minutely inform'd of the affairs of that city, and consecrated to the ever august merit of the most serene elector of Bavaria / printed in Italian at Venice, and translated into English by the author of the Monthly Account; to be annex'd to numb. 10 of the Monthly Account.
Note:London : Printed by J.B. and publish'd by Randal Taylor, 1689
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Subject:Mehmed IV, Sultan of the Turks, 1642-1693
Subject:Süleyman II, Sultan of the Turks, 1642-1691
Subject:Turkey -- History -- Mehmed IV, 1648-1687
Subject:Turkey -- History -- Süleyman II, 1687-1691
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