Title: | A faithfull representation of the state of Ireland: whose bleeding eye is on England for help. Or The horrid conspiracy discovered and most humbly presented to the wisdom of Parliament for timely prevention, if not impossible. Wherein it appears the designe is laid at the root of all the Parliaments interest there, the adventurers lands, and the new-English mens lives, (as they call them) as well as at the power of godliness, and of the present government. Published by constant and cordial adherers to the Parliament and Common-wealth, on the behalf of themselves, and of thousands in Ireland. |
Author: | Constant and cordial adherers to the Parliament and Common-wealth |
Note: | London : printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread Eagle near the west end of Pauls, 1660 |
Link: | HTML at EEBO TCP |
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Subject: | Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800 |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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