Title: | Apokalypsis anastaseåos The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the universal church on earth for a thousand yeers yet to come, before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jewes, and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers, that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things, opened in this treatise / by Dr. Nathanael Homes. |
Author: | Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678 |
Note: | London : Printed by Robert Ibbitson and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepont ..., 1653 |
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Subject: | Millennium -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Second Advent -- Early works to 1800 |
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