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For the more due and orderly preservation of His Majesties game of pheasants, partridges, crows and hares, and all other game whatsoever, for the recreation of the lord lieutenant and Council, especially near about the places where the lord lieutenant and state shall for the most part reside, we do hereby in His Majesties name strictly charge and command all persons whatsoever not to presume to kill or take, or attempt to kill or take any pheasant, partridge, crows, hares, or any prohibited game whatsoever ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde.

Title:For the more due and orderly preservation of His Majesties game of pheasants, partridges, crows and hares, and all other game whatsoever, for the recreation of the lord lieutenant and Council, especially near about the places where the lord lieutenant and state shall for the most part reside, we do hereby in His Majesties name strictly charge and command all persons whatsoever not to presume to kill or take, or attempt to kill or take any pheasant, partridge, crows, hares, or any prohibited game whatsoever ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormonde.
Note:Dublin : Printed by John Crook ... and are to be sold by Samuel Dancer ..., 1662
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Subject:Poaching -- Ireland
Subject:Ireland -- History -- 1649-1775
Subject:Ireland -- Politics and government -- 17th century
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