Title: | Institutio philosophiae secundum principia D. Renati Descartes. English |
Alternate title: | An entire body of philosophy according to the principles of the famous Renate Des Cartes in three books, (I) the institution ... (II) the history of nature ... (III) a dissertation of the want of sense and knowledge in brute animals ... / written originally in Latin by the learned Anthony Le Grand ; now carefully translated from the last corrections, alterations, and large additions of the author, never yet published ... by Richard Blome. |
Author: | Le Grand, Antoine, -1699 |
Author: | Blome, Richard, -1705 |
Author: | Kip, Johannes, 1653-1722 |
Author: | Gucht, Michael van der, 1660-1725 |
Author: | Lens, Bernard, 1659-1725 |
Author: | Freman, G. |
Note: | London : Printed by Samuel Roycroft, and sold by the undertaker Richard Blome [and 10 others], 1694 |
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Subject: | Descartes, René, 1596-1650 |
Subject: | Philosophy -- Early works to 1800 |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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