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An epitome of the whole art of war In two parts. The first of military discipline, containing the whole exercise of the pike and musquet, &c. with plain directions for the various postures. Also the drawing up of battalions, and way of forming them; with the art of doubling, wheeling, forming and drawing up an army into any figure. The way of conducting armies in hilly, woody or plain countries: of encampings, besiegings, giving of battle, &c. The second of fortification and gunnery, which shews the principles and practices of fortification, as now used, as well by the English, as several other European nations, (especially by Their Majesties army) at the late siege of Athlone, Galoway, Limerick, &c. ... Of casements, cittadels, crownworks, ravelins, &c. Of gunnery, ... morters, demy-cannon, &c. with the manner of batteries, &c. All illustrated and further explained by 18 copper-plates, curiously designed and engraven.

Title:An epitome of the whole art of war In two parts. The first of military discipline, containing the whole exercise of the pike and musquet, &c. with plain directions for the various postures. Also the drawing up of battalions, and way of forming them; with the art of doubling, wheeling, forming and drawing up an army into any figure. The way of conducting armies in hilly, woody or plain countries: of encampings, besiegings, giving of battle, &c. The second of fortification and gunnery, which shews the principles and practices of fortification, as now used, as well by the English, as several other European nations, (especially by Their Majesties army) at the late siege of Athlone, Galoway, Limerick, &c. ... Of casements, cittadels, crownworks, ravelins, &c. Of gunnery, ... morters, demy-cannon, &c. with the manner of batteries, &c. All illustrated and further explained by 18 copper-plates, curiously designed and engraven.
Note:London : printed for J. Moxon, at the sign of Atlas in Warwick-Lane, 1692
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Subject:Military art and science -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Military art and science -- England -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Fortification -- Early works to 1800
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