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To the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, and every individual member thereof

Title:To the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, and every individual member thereof
Alternate title:To the Parliament of the Commonvvealth of England, and every individual member thereof. The declaration of Daniel Noddel solicitor for the freeholders and commoners within the mannor of Epworth, in the Isle of Axholm, in number about 1200 besides new erected cottages, on the behalf of himself and all the said commoners: discovering the plot and design of Master John Gibbon and his fellow-projectors to gain a posession of the said freeholders ancient inheritance in their commonable grounds there, contrary to law.
Note:Printed at London : and are to be sold at the seven stars in Pauls Church-yard, neer the great North-door, 1653
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Subject:Land tenure -- England -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Commons -- England -- Epworth -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Epworth (England) -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Axholme, Isle of (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800
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