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Sacred geographie. Or Scriptural mapps 1. Of all the earth, and water, at the creation. 2. Of paradice [sic], and the countries circumjacent, inhabited by the patriarks. 3. Israels forty years perigrination through the wilderness. 4. Canaan, or the land of promise. 5. The travels of S. Paul, and other the apostles. 6. Jerusalem, as it stood in our Saviours time. Collected both from sacred and prophane authority, by learned persons selected thereunto by the National Congreagation of Dutch Devines, for the more profitable reading of the Old and New Testament. And to be bound up with Bibles. Translated into English by J. Moxon, hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, printed by Joseoph Moxon, and sold at his shop on Ludgate hill, at the signe of Atlas. 1671.

Title:Sacred geographie. Or Scriptural mapps 1. Of all the earth, and water, at the creation. 2. Of paradice [sic], and the countries circumjacent, inhabited by the patriarks. 3. Israels forty years perigrination through the wilderness. 4. Canaan, or the land of promise. 5. The travels of S. Paul, and other the apostles. 6. Jerusalem, as it stood in our Saviours time. Collected both from sacred and prophane authority, by learned persons selected thereunto by the National Congreagation of Dutch Devines, for the more profitable reading of the Old and New Testament. And to be bound up with Bibles. Translated into English by J. Moxon, hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, printed by Joseoph Moxon, and sold at his shop on Ludgate hill, at the signe of Atlas. 1671.
Note:London : printed and sold by James Moxon, at the signe of Atlas in Warick-Lane, 1691
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Subject:Bible -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Christian literature -- Early works to 1800
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