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The English and Dutch affairs displayed to the life both in matters of warr, state, and merchandize, how far the English engaged in their defence against the most potent monarchy of Spain, and how ill the Dutch have since requited the English for their extraordinary favours, not onely in the time of Queen Elizabeth their protector and defendress, but also in the time of King James, by their bloody massacree of them at Amboyna, their ingratitude to King Charles the First of glorious memory, and the true state of affairs as they now stand in the reign of our royal soveraign King Charles the Second / by a true lover and asserter of his countries honour.

Title:The English and Dutch affairs displayed to the life both in matters of warr, state, and merchandize, how far the English engaged in their defence against the most potent monarchy of Spain, and how ill the Dutch have since requited the English for their extraordinary favours, not onely in the time of Queen Elizabeth their protector and defendress, but also in the time of King James, by their bloody massacree of them at Amboyna, their ingratitude to King Charles the First of glorious memory, and the true state of affairs as they now stand in the reign of our royal soveraign King Charles the Second / by a true lover and asserter of his countries honour.
Note:London : Printed by Thomas Mabb for Edward Thomas, 1664
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Subject:Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands
Subject:Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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