Title: | Historia de las cosas mas notables de la China. English. Selections |
Alternate title: | Nevv Mexico. Otherwise, The voiage of Anthony of Espeio who in the yeare 1583. with his company, discouered a lande of 15. prouinces, replenished with townes and villages, with houses of 4. or 5. stories height, it lieth northward, and some suppose that the same way men may by places inhabited go to the lande tearmed Deʻ Labrador. Translated out of the Spanish copie printed first at Madreel, 1586, and afterward at Paris, in the same yeare. |
Author: | González de Mendoza, Juan, 1545-1618 |
Author: | Loyola, Marín Ignacio de, -1606 |
Author: | Avanzi, Francesco |
Note: | Imprinted at London : [By Thomas East] for Thomas Cadman, [1587] |
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Subject: | Espejo, Antonio de |
Subject: | Indians of North America -- New Mexico -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | New Mexico -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800 |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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