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Another bloudy fight at Colchester, on Tuesday night last, between his Majesties forces commanded by Gen. Lucas, and Col Lunsford, and the Parliaments forces; shewing the manner of their sallying upon their guards, with the number killed and taken, and a dangerous shot against the Lord Gen. Fairfax. Also, the resolution of Gen. Lucas and the forces rather to die like the sons of Mars valiantly, than to yeeld the town dishonorably, and their proceedings thereupon. with two other bloudy fights, and divers Colonels taken prisoners. Likewise, the L. Byrons proceedings in Wales, and his declaration for the King.

Title:Another bloudy fight at Colchester, on Tuesday night last, between his Majesties forces commanded by Gen. Lucas, and Col Lunsford, and the Parliaments forces; shewing the manner of their sallying upon their guards, with the number killed and taken, and a dangerous shot against the Lord Gen. Fairfax. Also, the resolution of Gen. Lucas and the forces rather to die like the sons of Mars valiantly, than to yeeld the town dishonorably, and their proceedings thereupon. with two other bloudy fights, and divers Colonels taken prisoners. Likewise, the L. Byrons proceedings in Wales, and his declaration for the King.
Note:[London] : Printed in the yeer, 1648
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Subject:Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:England and Wales -- Army -- Early works to 1800
Subject:England and Wales -- Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Colchester (England) -- History -- Siege, 1648 -- Early works to 1800
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