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A bloudy fight in Ireland: between, the Lord Deputies forces, and the Earl of Castlehaven's; wherein, were 1300 kild and taken prisoners; the whole army routed, and all their ordnance, ammunition, bag and baggage taken. Also, Major General Masseys advance into Brunt Island, against the Lord Generals forces, the manner of the ordnance playing for three days together: and a perfect narrative of the proceedings of both armies. Together, with Major Ceneral [sic] Montgomery's advance westward, and what happened upon our forces march to meet him. Published according to Order.

Title:A bloudy fight in Ireland: between, the Lord Deputies forces, and the Earl of Castlehaven's; wherein, were 1300 kild and taken prisoners; the whole army routed, and all their ordnance, ammunition, bag and baggage taken. Also, Major General Masseys advance into Brunt Island, against the Lord Generals forces, the manner of the ordnance playing for three days together: and a perfect narrative of the proceedings of both armies. Together, with Major Ceneral [sic] Montgomery's advance westward, and what happened upon our forces march to meet him. Published according to Order.
Note:London : Printed by R.W. for George Horton, 1651
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Subject:Massey, Edward, Sir, 1619?-1674?
Subject:Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
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