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A bloudy fight in Ireland, between the Parliaments forces, commanded by Sir Charles Coot, and Col. Russels; and the kings forces, under the conduct and command of Gen. Preston, and the E. of Clanrickards upon his Lordships attempt to raise the siege with 4000 horse and foot, on the 11th of this instant Feb. 1652. Also, the particulars of the said fight; the total routing of the Irish army; 1500 slain upon the place, 700 taken prisoners; and a list of all their ordnance, arms, ammunition, bagg and baggage. Likewise, the storming of Dublin, the burning of 800 houses, or cabines, the putting of 500 men, women, and children to the sword; their seizing on the treasury, and taking great store of plate, and many thousand pounds in money.

Title:A bloudy fight in Ireland, between the Parliaments forces, commanded by Sir Charles Coot, and Col. Russels; and the kings forces, under the conduct and command of Gen. Preston, and the E. of Clanrickards upon his Lordships attempt to raise the siege with 4000 horse and foot, on the 11th of this instant Feb. 1652. Also, the particulars of the said fight; the total routing of the Irish army; 1500 slain upon the place, 700 taken prisoners; and a list of all their ordnance, arms, ammunition, bagg and baggage. Likewise, the storming of Dublin, the burning of 800 houses, or cabines, the putting of 500 men, women, and children to the sword; their seizing on the treasury, and taking great store of plate, and many thousand pounds in money.
Note:London : Printed for G. Norton [i.e. Horton], 1652
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Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
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