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Bloudy nevves from Colchester: concerning the late fight on Tuesday last, between the forces under the command of Sir Charles Lucas, and the Suffolke Forces, neer the Hast-gate; with the manner of the fight, and the number that were slain and taken prisoners. Likewise, the proclamation of the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, concerning the Duke of York's comming to Coulchester, and their proclaiming of it at the head of each regiment throughout the towne. Together with the Lord Generals propositions to the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, touching a generall peace. And their answer thereunto, concerning his Excellencies Army.

Title:Bloudy nevves from Colchester: concerning the late fight on Tuesday last, between the forces under the command of Sir Charles Lucas, and the Suffolke Forces, neer the Hast-gate; with the manner of the fight, and the number that were slain and taken prisoners. Likewise, the proclamation of the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, concerning the Duke of York's comming to Coulchester, and their proclaiming of it at the head of each regiment throughout the towne. Together with the Lord Generals propositions to the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, touching a generall peace. And their answer thereunto, concerning his Excellencies Army.
Note:London : Printed for R.W., 1648
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Subject:Colchester (England) -- History
Subject:Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648
Subject:England and Wales -- Army -- Early works to 1800
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