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An elegie on the death of that most noble and heroick knight, Sir Charles Lucas governour of Colchester, and generall of the Essexian forces, who was murthered by the excellent rebell Fairfax, the day on which Colchester was surrendered, August 27. 1648.

Title:An elegie on the death of that most noble and heroick knight, Sir Charles Lucas governour of Colchester, and generall of the Essexian forces, who was murthered by the excellent rebell Fairfax, the day on which Colchester was surrendered, August 27. 1648.
Note:[London : s.n., 1648]
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Subject:Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648 -- Poetry
Subject:Elegiac poetry, English
Subject:Colchester (England) -- History -- Siege, 1648 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800
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