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A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. An answer to XVI. Quæres, touching the rise and observation of Christmas, propounded by Mr. Joseph Heming of Uttoxeter. IV. The originall and true ground of the Lords Day. V. The just meaning and nature of the Sabbath. / By a lover of truth; a defender of Christian liberty; and an hearty desirer of peace, internall, externall, eternall, unto all men.

Title:A Christian caveat to the old and new sabbatarians. Or, A vindication of our Gospel-festivals. Wherein is held forth, I. That the feast of Christs nativity is grounded upon the scriptures; was observed in the pure, antient, apostolique times; and is approved by all reformed churches. II. That Christ was born on the 25th. day of December; and all objections to the contrary refuted. III. An answer to XVI. Quæres, touching the rise and observation of Christmas, propounded by Mr. Joseph Heming of Uttoxeter. IV. The originall and true ground of the Lords Day. V. The just meaning and nature of the Sabbath. / By a lover of truth; a defender of Christian liberty; and an hearty desirer of peace, internall, externall, eternall, unto all men.
Note:London : Printed for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1650
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Subject:Heming, Joseph -- Certain quæries touching the rise and observation of Christmas
Subject:Fasts and feasts -- England -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Sunday -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Lord's Supper -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Christmas -- England -- Early works to 1800
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