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A great fight in Ireland between the Lord Lievt. Cromwels forces and the Lord Inchequeens army neer Washford, the number killed and taken prisoners, Col Trevor wounded, and the Lord Inchequeens colours taken General Oneal dead, and the Lord Lievt. drawing away his forces from besieging Duncanon, also the taking of Capt. Plunkets ship with 36 pieces of ordnance with four other ships of a great value, and the manner of Capt. Plunckets escape for his life in a long-boat. Together with a letter of news concerning Col. King, and Col. Johnston, and sixty sail of ships with soldiers, going for Scotland, with the reason and uncertrinty [sic] of that report.

Title:A great fight in Ireland between the Lord Lievt. Cromwels forces and the Lord Inchequeens army neer Washford, the number killed and taken prisoners, Col Trevor wounded, and the Lord Inchequeens colours taken General Oneal dead, and the Lord Lievt. drawing away his forces from besieging Duncanon, also the taking of Capt. Plunkets ship with 36 pieces of ordnance with four other ships of a great value, and the manner of Capt. Plunckets escape for his life in a long-boat. Together with a letter of news concerning Col. King, and Col. Johnston, and sixty sail of ships with soldiers, going for Scotland, with the reason and uncertrinty [sic] of that report.
Note:[London] : Printed by B.A. and are to be sold neer Criplegate, 1649
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Subject:Inchiqin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:England and Wales -- Army -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
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