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The Lord Maior of Londons letter to the King at Yorke, Iune, 22. In behalfe of the aldermen sheriffes, the master and wardens of each severall company in answer to His Maiesites letter. The Parliaments resolution, concerning the Kings most excellent Maiestie, and the Lords and Commons which have absented themselues from the said Houses, and are now at Yorke attending on his Maiesty. Like wise the grounds and reasons why they are enforceed [sic] to take arms, with the severall reasons to prove that every man is bound to uphold the Parliament against all opposers whatsoever.

Title:The Lord Maior of Londons letter to the King at Yorke, Iune, 22. In behalfe of the aldermen sheriffes, the master and wardens of each severall company in answer to His Maiesites letter. The Parliaments resolution, concerning the Kings most excellent Maiestie, and the Lords and Commons which have absented themselues from the said Houses, and are now at Yorke attending on his Maiesty. Like wise the grounds and reasons why they are enforceed [sic] to take arms, with the severall reasons to prove that every man is bound to uphold the Parliament against all opposers whatsoever.
Note:[London : s.n., 1642]
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Subject:Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:England and Wales -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800
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