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The Happy successe of the Parliaments armie at Nevvport and some other places. Who with the Northamptonshire forces this last week at severall times, have slain & taken prisoners neere upon a hundred of the enemies, 2. captaines, 3. cornets, & a trumpeter, and taken divers of their horses, with the losse of 6. men and 15. prisoners. As it was sent in a letter from the army, & published for the satisfaction of all those that have any friends in the service, and would willingly be informed of the truth and nothing else. This is licenced, and entered into the Hall booke according to order.

Title:The Happy successe of the Parliaments armie at Nevvport and some other places. Who with the Northamptonshire forces this last week at severall times, have slain & taken prisoners neere upon a hundred of the enemies, 2. captaines, 3. cornets, & a trumpeter, and taken divers of their horses, with the losse of 6. men and 15. prisoners. As it was sent in a letter from the army, & published for the satisfaction of all those that have any friends in the service, and would willingly be informed of the truth and nothing else. This is licenced, and entered into the Hall booke according to order.
Note:London : Printed for John Wright in the Oldbailey, Novemb. 10. 1643
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Subject:Newport Pagnell (Buckinghamshire) -- History -- Siege, 1643 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800
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