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The prerogative of popular government. A politicall discourse in two books. The former containing the first præliminary of Oceana, inlarged, interpreted, and vindicated from all such mistakes or slanders as have been alledged against it under the notion of objections. The second concerning ordination, against Dr. H. Hamond, Dr. L. Seaman, and the authors they follow. In which two books is contained the whole commonwealth of the Hebrews, or of Israel, senate, people, and magistracy, both as it stood in the institution by Moses, and as it came to be formed after the captivity. As also the different policies introduced into the Church of Christ, during the time of the Apostles. By James Harrington.

Title:The prerogative of popular government. A politicall discourse in two books. The former containing the first præliminary of Oceana, inlarged, interpreted, and vindicated from all such mistakes or slanders as have been alledged against it under the notion of objections. The second concerning ordination, against Dr. H. Hamond, Dr. L. Seaman, and the authors they follow. In which two books is contained the whole commonwealth of the Hebrews, or of Israel, senate, people, and magistracy, both as it stood in the institution by Moses, and as it came to be formed after the captivity. As also the different policies introduced into the Church of Christ, during the time of the Apostles. By James Harrington.
Note:London : printed [by G. Dawson] for Tho. Brewster at the three Bibles at the west end of Pauls Church-yard, 1658. [i.e. 1657]
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Subject:Harrington, James, 1611-1677 -- Common-wealth of Oceana -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Seaman, Lazarus, d. 1675 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Political science -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Ordination -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Church and state -- Early works to 1800
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