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Free-mans freedome vindicated

Title:Free-mans freedome vindicated
Alternate title:The free-mans freedom vindicated. Or A true relation of the cause and manner of Lievt. Col. Iohn Lilburns present imprisonment in Newgate,: being thereunto arbitrarily and illegally committed, by the House of Peeres, Iune 11. 1646. for his delivering in, at their open barre, under his hand and seal, his protestation, against their incroaching upon the common liberties of all the commons of England, in endeavouring to try him, a commoner of England, in a criminall cause, contrary to the expresse tenour and forme of the 29. chap. of the great charter of England, and for making his legall and iust appeal to his competent, propper and legal tryers and judges, the Commons of England, in Parliament assembled.
Note:[London : s.n., 1646]
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Subject:Civil rights -- England
Subject:Detention of persons -- England
Subject:Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657 -- Imprisonment
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