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The opressed mans opressions declared: or, An epistle written by Lieut. Col. John Lilburn,: prerogative prisoner (by the illegall and arbitrary authority of the House of Lords) in the Tower of London, to Col. Francis West, Lieutenant thereof: in which the opressing cruelty of all the gaolers of England is declared, and particularly the Lieutenant of the Tower. As also, there is thrown unto Tho. Edwards, the author of the 3 vlcerous Gangrænes, a bone or two to pick: in which also, divers other things are handled, of speciall concernment to the present times.

Title:The opressed mans opressions declared: or, An epistle written by Lieut. Col. John Lilburn,: prerogative prisoner (by the illegall and arbitrary authority of the House of Lords) in the Tower of London, to Col. Francis West, Lieutenant thereof: in which the opressing cruelty of all the gaolers of England is declared, and particularly the Lieutenant of the Tower. As also, there is thrown unto Tho. Edwards, the author of the 3 vlcerous Gangrænes, a bone or two to pick: in which also, divers other things are handled, of speciall concernment to the present times.
Note:[London : s.n., 1647]
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Subject:Detention of persons -- England
Subject:Jails -- England
Subject:Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657 -- Imprisonment
Subject:Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647 -- Gangræna
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