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The prisoners mournfull cry, against the Iudges of the Kings Bench.: Or an epistle writ by lieut. col. John Lilburne, prisoner in the tower of London, unto Mr. Iustice Roll : declaring the illegall dealing of himself, and Mr. Justice Bacon with him, in reference to his habeas corpus. Vnto which is annexed his two petitions to the said Iudges, and the petitions of Mr. William Thompson, and Mr. Woodward &c. in which are contained a lash for Mr. Oliver Cromwell and other his spaniolised creatures. With divers other remarkable things worth publique view.

Title:The prisoners mournfull cry, against the Iudges of the Kings Bench.: Or an epistle writ by lieut. col. John Lilburne, prisoner in the tower of London, unto Mr. Iustice Roll : declaring the illegall dealing of himself, and Mr. Justice Bacon with him, in reference to his habeas corpus. Vnto which is annexed his two petitions to the said Iudges, and the petitions of Mr. William Thompson, and Mr. Woodward &c. in which are contained a lash for Mr. Oliver Cromwell and other his spaniolised creatures. With divers other remarkable things worth publique view.
Note:[London : s.n., 1648]
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Subject:Habeas corpus -- England
Subject:Detention of persons -- England
Subject:Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657 -- Imprisonment
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