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Strength out of vveaknesse. Or, The finall and absolute plea of Lieutenant-Col. John Lilburn, prisoner in the Tower of London, against the present ruling power siting at Westminster.: Being an epistle writ by him, Sep. 30. 1649. to his much honored and highly esteemed friend, Master John Wood, Mr. Robert Everard, ... whose names are subscribed Aug. 20. 1649. to that excellent peece, entituled The Levellers (falsly so called) vindicated; being the stated case of the late defeated Burford troops. And to Charles Collins, Anthony Bristlebolt, ... whose names are subscribed, August 29. 1649. to that choicest of peeces, entituled An out-cry of the young-men and apprentices of London, after the lost fundamentall-lawes and liberties of England. Which said plea or epistle, doth principally contein the substance of a conference, betwixt Master Edmond Prideaux, the (falsly so called) attorney-generall, and Lievetenant-Colonell John Lilburne, upon Friday the 14 of September 1649. at the chamber of the said Mr. Prideaux, in the Inner-Temple.

Title:Strength out of vveaknesse. Or, The finall and absolute plea of Lieutenant-Col. John Lilburn, prisoner in the Tower of London, against the present ruling power siting at Westminster.: Being an epistle writ by him, Sep. 30. 1649. to his much honored and highly esteemed friend, Master John Wood, Mr. Robert Everard, ... whose names are subscribed Aug. 20. 1649. to that excellent peece, entituled The Levellers (falsly so called) vindicated; being the stated case of the late defeated Burford troops. And to Charles Collins, Anthony Bristlebolt, ... whose names are subscribed, August 29. 1649. to that choicest of peeces, entituled An out-cry of the young-men and apprentices of London, after the lost fundamentall-lawes and liberties of England. Which said plea or epistle, doth principally contein the substance of a conference, betwixt Master Edmond Prideaux, the (falsly so called) attorney-generall, and Lievetenant-Colonell John Lilburne, upon Friday the 14 of September 1649. at the chamber of the said Mr. Prideaux, in the Inner-Temple.
Note:London : [s.n.], Printed 1649
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Subject:Civil rights -- England
Subject:Detention of persons -- England
Subject:Prisoners -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Subject:Great Britain -- History
Subject:Great Britain -- Politics and government
Subject:Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657 -- Imprisonment
Subject:Levellers (falsly so called) vindicated
Subject:Young-mens and the apprentices outcry
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