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The last great and blovdy fight in Ireland on Wednesday last, being the 29. of August, 1649. between the Marq. of Ormonds forces, and the Lord Governour Cromwels, upon his Lordships advance with his whole army of horse and foot from the city of Dublin. With the particulars thereof, the manner of their engagement, the wounding of Lieut. Gen. Jones, and a list of the officers and souldiers, killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Also, the Lord Governour Cromwels letter to the Parliament of England, and his declaration and resolution touching Ireland.

Title:The last great and blovdy fight in Ireland on Wednesday last, being the 29. of August, 1649. between the Marq. of Ormonds forces, and the Lord Governour Cromwels, upon his Lordships advance with his whole army of horse and foot from the city of Dublin. With the particulars thereof, the manner of their engagement, the wounding of Lieut. Gen. Jones, and a list of the officers and souldiers, killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Also, the Lord Governour Cromwels letter to the Parliament of England, and his declaration and resolution touching Ireland.
Note:London : Printed for Robert Williamson, the 4. of September, 1649
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Subject:Cromwell, Oliver -- 1599-1658 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Ormonde, James Butler, Duke of, 1610-1688 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Jones, Michael, d. 1649 -- Early works to 1800
Subject:England and Wales -- Army -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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