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Strange and terrible news from sea., or:, A true relation of a most wonderful violent tempest of lightning and thunder. On Fryday, the 18th. of this instant Jan. 1678. : Whereby the main-mast of a ship, riding at anchor off of Cows was split from the top to the bottom: : fourteen men upon the upper deck, and three between decks struck, and five of them left for dead, their eyes and teeth being immoveable, and their bodies stincking so of sulpher, that none could endure the smell. : With several other lamentable passages communicated in a letter from a gentleman on board, to a friend in Cheap-side. / With allowance, R. L'Estrange.

Title:Strange and terrible news from sea., or:, A true relation of a most wonderful violent tempest of lightning and thunder. On Fryday, the 18th. of this instant Jan. 1678. : Whereby the main-mast of a ship, riding at anchor off of Cows was split from the top to the bottom: : fourteen men upon the upper deck, and three between decks struck, and five of them left for dead, their eyes and teeth being immoveable, and their bodies stincking so of sulpher, that none could endure the smell. : With several other lamentable passages communicated in a letter from a gentleman on board, to a friend in Cheap-side. / With allowance, R. L'Estrange.
Note:[London] : Printed by A.P. and T.H. for John Clarke, at the Bible and Harp, in West-smith-field, 1678
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Subject:Lightning -- England -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Storms -- England -- Early works to 1800
Subject:Cowes (England) -- Early works to 1800
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