Title: | A true relation of the late occurrences in Ireland in two letters; one brought over by a noble gentleman, Sir Hards Waller, of a sharpe skirmish there happened the 29. of Iune last, betwixt the Right Honourable the Lord Inchguin, Captain William Jephton, and Sir William Courtney, of the English party, and the rebels on the other side in the province of Munster, dated from Ireland the 8. of this instant Iuly. The other dated the fourth of Iulie from I.H. to his uncle W.E. wherein relation is made of three severall defeats given to the rebels by the Lord of Kelonmikie, the Lord of Broughall, and others. With the taking of 6. ensignes, 8. drums, and armes for 500. men, with great store of bootie. |
Author: | Waller, Hardress, Sir, 1604?-1666? |
Author: | I. H. |
Note: | London : Printed by A.N. for Edw. Blackmore, Iuly 18, 1642 |
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Subject: | Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674 |
Subject: | Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Ireland -- History -- 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800 |
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