Title: | A declaration of the L. Admiral Vantrump, concerning the King of Scots, and the Parliament of England; published by sound of trumpet throughout his whole navie. With his protestation thereupon; and his preparations and resolution to fight the English navie, either to death or vicotry, and purchase honour and freedome with the price of his bloud. Also, the last engagement of the English and Dutch, and the particulars thereof: with the comming up of Sir George Ayscue to General Blague in the Downs, and their further proceedings and resolutions touching Vantrump and the Navie. Sent in a letter from Captain Tylers ship, the tyger; to a member of the councel of state; and ordered to be published and dispersed throughout the several counties of this nation. |
Note: | London : Printed for Sam: Cotton, 1652 |
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Subject: | Tromp, Maarten Harpertsz., 1598-1653 |
Subject: | Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-1654 -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Great Britain -- History, Naval -- Stuarts, 1603-1714 -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Netherlands -- History -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800 |
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