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A treatise of penance, with an explication of the rule, and maner of liuing, of the brethren and sisters, of the Third Order of S. Frauncis; commonly called, of the Order of Penance, ordayned for those which desire to liue holilie. and doe penance in their owne houses. / by F. W.S. Strict Obser. ; Whereunto is added, the epistle and annotations vpon this rule, of the Reuerend Father, Fa. Peter Gonzales ... With a catalogue made by him, of the names of the chiefe persons of this order, aswell canonized saincts, as beatified, with the other honorable and worthy persons, who for their vertuous deeds, and holinesse of life, are cronacled to their perpetuall memory here in earth, and no doubt to their euerlasting glorie in heauen..

Title:A treatise of penance, with an explication of the rule, and maner of liuing, of the brethren and sisters, of the Third Order of S. Frauncis; commonly called, of the Order of Penance, ordayned for those which desire to liue holilie. and doe penance in their owne houses. / by F. W.S. Strict Obser. ; Whereunto is added, the epistle and annotations vpon this rule, of the Reuerend Father, Fa. Peter Gonzales ... With a catalogue made by him, of the names of the chiefe persons of this order, aswell canonized saincts, as beatified, with the other honorable and worthy persons, who for their vertuous deeds, and holinesse of life, are cronacled to their perpetuall memory here in earth, and no doubt to their euerlasting glorie in heauen..
Note:At Douay : by Iohn Heigham, with permission of the Superiours., Anno 1617.
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Subject:Third Order Secular of St. Francis -- Rules
Subject:Monasticism and religious orders -- England -- Rules -- Early works to 1800
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