Online Books by
Arthur Capel
(Capel, Arthur, Baron Capel of Hadham, 1604-1649)
Books from the extended shelves:
Capel, Arthur, Baron Capel of Hadham, 1604-1649: Several speeches of Duke Hamilton, Earl of Cambridg, Henry Earl of Holland, and Arthur Lord Capel, upon the scaffold (Printed by J.M. for Peter Cole, Francis Tyton, and John Playford, 1649), also by James Hamilton Hamilton, Henry Rich Holland, and King Charles I of England (page images at HathiTrust)
Capel, Arthur, Baron Capel of Hadham, 1604-1649: The several speeches of Duke Hamilton Earl of Cambridge, Henry Earl of Holland, and Arthur Lord Capel : upon the scaffold immediately before their execution, on Friday the 9. of March. (P. Cole, F. Tyton, and J. Playford, 1649), also by James Hamilton Hamilton and Henry Rich Holland (page images at HathiTrust)
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