Online Books by
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
(Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558)
Online books about this author are available, as is a Wikipedia article.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: The Autobiography of The Emperor Charles V, Recently Discovered in the Portuguese Language by Baron Kervyn de Lennenhove, Member of the Royal Acadamy of Belgium (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1862), trans. by Leonard Francis Simpson, contrib. by Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove (multiple formats at Google)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558, contrib.: Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V and His Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France (London: R. Bentley, 1850), ed. by William Bradford (multiple formats at Google)
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: [European memoirs]. (?), also by Edward Dowden, Charles Nisbet, Robert Arnot, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Wenzel Lothar Metternich, Honoré-Gabriel de Riquetti Mirabeau, Empress of Russia Catherine II, and King of Prussia Frederick II (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: The advice of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany, and King of Spain, to his son Philip the Second upon his resignation of the crown of Spain to his said son. (London : printed for H. Mortlock, at the sign of the White Hart in Westminster-Hall, 1670) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: The autobiography of the Emperor Charles V. (Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1862), also by Leonard Francis Simpson and Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Briefe an Kaiser Karl V (W. Besser, 1848), also by García de Loaísa and G. Heine (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Cartas al emperador Carlos V, escritas en los años de 1530-32, por su confesor (W. Besser, 1848), also by García de Loaísa and G. Heine (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Commentaires de Charles-Quint (Firmin-Didot frères, fils & cie; [etc., etc.], 1862), also by Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Commentaires; publiés pour la première fois (Bruxelles, 1862), also by Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Commentarios del emperador Cárlos Quinto (M. Galiano, 1862), also by Luis Olona and Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adrien VI (M. Hayez, Imprimeur de la Commission royale d'histoire, 1859), also by Louis-Prosper Gachard, Luis Fernández de Córdova, Pope Adrian VI, and des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire Académie royale des sciences (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adrien VI (Gand [etc.] C. Muquardt, 1859), also by Louis-Prosper Gachard and Pope Adrian VI (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adrien VI (M. Hayez, Imprimeur de la Commission royale d'histoire, 1859), also by Louis Prosper Gachard, Luis Fernández de Córdova, Pope Adrian VI, and des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire Académie royale des sciences (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondance de Charles-Quint et d'Adrien VI, publiée pour la première fois. (tip. Vivarelli e Gullá, 1970) (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondance de Fernand Cortès avec l'empereur Charles-Quint, sur la conquête du Mexique (Chez les libraires associés, 1779), also by Hernán Cortés and Gratien-Jean-Baptiste-Louis Flavigny (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. (AMS Press, 1971), also by William Bradford (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and his ambassadors at the courts of England and France, from the original letters in the imperial family archives at Vienna; with a connecting narrative and biographical notices of the emperor; and of some of the distinguished officers of his army and household; together with the emperor's itinerary, from 1519-1551 (R. Bentley, 1850), also by William Bradford (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Correspondenz des kaisers Karl V. (F. A. Brockhaus, 1844), also by Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Lanz (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Die blyde incomste den hertochdom van Brabant in voortyden by harenlantsheeren verleent ende van Keyser Carolus den V. gheconfirmeert ende by Philippus zijnen zoone Coninck van Hispanien solemnelijck ghesworen. Anno 1549. ([publisher not identified], 1574), also by King of Spain Philip II (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Historiographie de Charles-Quint ... (H. Champion, 1913), also by Alfred Morel-Fatio (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Karl V und Maximilian Egmont, Graf von Büren; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des schmalkaldischen Krieges. (J. C. B. Mohr, 1895), also by Paul Kannengiesser and Maximilian von Egmond Büren (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: La politica española en Italia; correspondencia de Don Fernando Marín, abad de Nájera, con Carlos I ([Impr. de la Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos], 1919), also by Enrique Pacheco y de Leyva and Fernando Marín (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Lettere di Carlo V a Clemente VII, 1527-1533 ([Firenze, 1893) (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Praeclara Ferdinandi Cortesii de nova maris oceani Hyspania narratio (Per Fridericum Peypus Arthimesius, 1524), also by Hernán Cortés and Pietro Savorgnano (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Przyczynki do dziejów panowania Zygmunta Starego. (Nakł. Biblioteki Kórnickej, 1904), also by Romulo Amaseo and Zygmunt Celichowski (page images at HathiTrust)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Recueil des lettres de l'empereur Charles-Quint, qui sont conservées dans les archives du palais de Monaco; publié sur l'ordre de S.A.S. le prince Albert Ier à l'occasion de l'inauguration du Musée océanographique (Impr. de Monaco, 1910), also by Léon-Honoré Labande and Monaco. Palais (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Romuli Amasei De pace oratio habita Bononiae cal. jan. MDXXX. nec non Caroli v. oratio ad hispanos de suo in Italiam discessu a. 1529 (Nakł. Biblioteki Kórnickej, 1904), also by Romolo Quirino Amaseo and Zygmunt Celichowski (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558: Unie ofte vereeninghe vanden landen van Hollandt ende Utrecht : voorden selven lande ghemaeckt by Keyser Kaerle inden jaere vijfthienhondert xxxiiij ... (Aelbrecht Hendricxs, 1534) (page images at HathiTrust)
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