Online Books by
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York
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Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: 1628-1928. Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York, her organization and development, a record of the proclamation of the truth over three centuries ... (New York, [publisher not identified], 1928., 1928), also by Henry P. Miller and William Leverich Brower (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Bicentenary of the charter of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, May eleventh, 1896. (New York : Printed by the consistory, 1896., 1896) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Brief account of an historic church. (The Consistory, 1895) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Brief account of an historic church : the Reformed Church, the Collegiate Church of the city of New York. (The Consistory, 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: The celebration of the quarter-millennial anniversary of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church (C. H. Jones & co., printers, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: The celebration of the quarter-millennial anniversary of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church. ([New York] : [C. H. Jones & co., printers], [1878], 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: The celebration of the quarter-millennial anniversary of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York : ... November 21st, 1878. (C.H. Jones, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: The celebration of the quarter-millennial anniversary of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, of the city of New York, November 21st, 1878. In the church, Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street. 1628-1878. (C. H. Jones & Co., Printers, 1878) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Collegiate Church. Services in memory of the late President William McKinley held on Thursday September 19th, 1901. Proceedings and addresses. (New York, 1901) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Commemoration of fifty years' service by the Rev. Thomas T. [i.e. E.] Vermilye, D.D., LL.D. : senior minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York. (published by order of the Consistory, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: A discourse commemorative of the Reverend Thomas Edward Vermilye, D.D., LL.D. (Gilliss Press, 1893), also by Edward B. Coe (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Heidelberger Katechismus. English. (New-York: : Printed and sold by John Holt, at the Exchange., MDCCLXIV [1764]) (HTML at Evans TCP)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Historical sketch of the origin and organization... ([n.p.], 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Historical sketch of the origin and organization of the Reformed Church in America and of the Collegiate Church of the city of New York. (The Consistory [of the Collegiate Reformed Church, 1900) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Memorial of the Rev. John Knox, D.D. (The Consistory, 1858) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Memorial of the Rev. William C. Brownlee (New York : J.J. Ennis, [1860], 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Memorial of ... William C. Brownlee ... (The Consistory of the Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Memorial service for Theodore Roosevelt in his ancestral church, the Church of St. Nicholas ... January thirtieth, A.D. 1919 ... ([New York, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Proceedings at the centennial anniversary of the dedication of the North Dutch Church, May 25th, 1869 : and also, at the laying of the corner-stone of the new church, on Fifth avenue, corner Forty-eighth street, on the same day. (Published by order of the Consistory of the Reformed Protestant Church [by Aldine Press], 1869) (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: The Psalms of David, with the Ten commandments, Creed, Lord's prayer, &c. in metre. Also, the Catechism, Confession of faith, liturgy, &c. (Printed by James Parker, at the new printing-office in Beaver-street, 1767), also by William Loring Andrews, Francis Hopkinson, Nicholas Brady, Nahum Tate, and Rosenbach Company (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Specimen of divine truths, fitted for the use of those, of various capacities, who desire to prepare themselves for a due confession of their faith. / By the Rev. Mr. A. Hellenbroeck, late Minister of the Gospel at Rotterdam. ; Translated from the Dutch, for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, of the City of New-York. (New-York: : Printed by John Holt, opposite the Exchange., MDCCLXV. [1765]), also by Abraham Hellenbroek (HTML at Evans TCP)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Tercentenary of the city of New York. A tribute to the settlement of Manhattan Island, now New York, by the Dutch, early in the seventeenth century ... (The Consistory of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, 1926), also by William Leverich Brower (page images at HathiTrust)
Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York: Yearbook of the (Collegiate) Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New York (The Church, 1880) (page images at HathiTrust)
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