Online Books by
James Flint
(Flint, James, 1779-1855)
An online book about this author is available.
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Letters From America, Containing Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, the Manners of the People, the Prospects of Emigrants, &c. &c. (Edinburgh: Printed for W. and C. Tait, 1822) (page images in Germany)
Flint, James, 1779-1855, contrib.: Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mass.: Various Discourses, 1801-65 (bound collection of 9 sermon pamphlets), ed. by Boston Public Library, also contrib. by John Allyn, Seth Stetson, Nathanael Emmons, John A. Albro, M. A. H. Niles, Samuel M. Worcester, W. S. Leavitt, and Charles Carroll Everett (multiple formats at
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Additional books from the extended shelves:
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Change: a poem, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, August 29, 1839. (Printed at the Observer Office, 1848) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: A discourse delivered at Plymouth December 22, 1815 : at the anniversary commemoration of the first landing of our ancestors at that place (Joseph Avery, 1816) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Historical address and poem, delivered at the bi-centennial celebration of the incorporation of the old town of Reading, May 29, 1844 (Printed by S.N. Dickinson, 1844), also by Reading (Mass.) and Lilley Eaton (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: A present from a pastor to his young parishioners: in ten discourses; urging upon them an early and earnest attention to religion. (W. Crosby, 1844) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Principles of the Reformation. A sermon preached November 16, 1826, at the dedication of the house of public worship of the First Congregational Society in Salem. ... (Printed by Warwick Palfray, Jr., 1826), also by Charles Wentworth Upham (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: A sermon, delivered in the meeting-house of the first parish of Beverly, June 18, 1828, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Abiel Abbot, D.D. late pastor of the First Church and Society in Beverly. ... (Salem Gazette Press, Foote & Brown., 1828), also by John Bartlett (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Sermons (Phillips, Sampson, 1852) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Two discourses (Printed at the Observer office, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Two discourses : delivered on taking leave of the Old Church of the East Society in salem ; December 28, 1845 (Printed at the Observer Office, 1846) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Verses on many occasions, with others for which it may be thought there was no occasion ... (Press of H. B. Butterfield, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
Flint, James, 1779-1855: Verses on many occasions : with others for which it may be thought there was no occasion : collected and printed for his grand-children (Press of Horace J. Butterfield, Typographic Hall, 1851) (page images at HathiTrust)
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