Online Books by
Charles Lucas
(Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648)
Books from the extended shelves:
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: Articles for the surrender of Colchester and all the ordnance, armes and ammunition.: With a letter of submission from the Earle of Norwich, the Lord Capell. &c. to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax. Also the taking of the whole party of the Scottish horse which fled with Duke Hamilton to Utcester in Staffordshire, by the Lord Grey and Major Generall Lambert, with the Particulars thereof, viz. Taken Duke Hamilton. 17. lords. 7. colonells. 3. lieutenant-coloness. 20. captains. 100. other officers. 20. colours. 3500. prisoners. 3500. horses. 6. waggons of the dukes laden witb treasure, with his George, rich skarfe, and good store of other booty. ([London] : Printed for R.A., 1648), also by George Goring Norwich, Arthur Capel Capel of Hadham, and Thomas Fairfax Fairfax (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: Bloudy nevves from Colchester: concerning the late fight on Tuesday last, between the forces under the command of Sir Charles Lucas, and the Suffolke Forces, neer the Hast-gate; with the manner of the fight, and the number that were slain and taken prisoners. Likewise, the proclamation of the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, concerning the Duke of York's comming to Coulchester, and their proclaiming of it at the head of each regiment throughout the towne. Together with the Lord Generals propositions to the Earle of Norwich, and Sir Charles Lucas, touching a generall peace. And their answer thereunto, concerning his Excellencies Army. (London : Printed for R.W., 1648), also by Thomas Fairfax Fairfax (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: The declaration and remonstrance of the Kings Majesties loyall subjects within the City of London, to the Lords & Commons assembled at Westminster,: concerning the army under the command of the Lord Gen. Fairfax, & the discontents & jealousies thereof, occasioned by their aversnesse to the settlement of religion, their disaffection to the city, and the advancement of their own private power and ends. Also, the proposalls of Sir Charles Lucas, to the Councell of Warre before his death. And a great fight near Nampswich, in Cheshire, divers killed, and 1500. taken prisoners. (London : Printed in the year, MDCXLVIII. [1648]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: The Earl of Norwich, Lord Capel, & Sir Charls Lucas, their peremptory answer, in refusing to surrender Colchester, upon the Lord Generalls conditions.: With his Excellencies summons, and articles offered them. Also his repyl to the enemies last answer. And all the summons, articles, letters, and answers between his excellencie, and the enemie, in Kent and Essex. Published by speciall command, and for generall satisfaction to the kingdome. (London : Printed for Robert White, 1648), also by George Goring Norwich, Arthur Capel Capel of Hadham, and Thomas Fairfax Fairfax (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: A great and bloudy fight at Colchester,: and the storming of the town by the Lord Generals forces, with the manner how they were repulsed and beaten off, and forced to retreat from the walls, and a great and terrible blow given at the said storm, by granadoes and gunpowder. Likewise their hanging out the flag of defiance, and their sallying out upon Tuesday last, all the chief officers ingaging in the said fight, and Sir Charles Lucas giving the first onset in the van, with the number killed and taken, and Sir Charles Lucas his declaration. (London : Printed for G. Beal, and are to be sold in the Old-Bayley, and neer Temple Bar, 1648), also by George Goring Norwich (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: A letter from the Earl of Norwich, the Lord Capel. and Sir Charles Lucas, to the Lord Generall Fairfax; and his answer thereunto.: Also, a sally forth upon the Lord Fairfax his forces in Fryday last, and propositions for making addresses to the Prince. With a great fight in the couty of Hereford, between Sir Henry Lingen, and Major Harley. Another fight in the North between Lieu. Gen. Cromwel and the Scots, and Major Gen. Lamberts speech at the heat of his army. (Printed at London : by B.A, Anno Dom. 1648), also by George Goring Norwich and Arthur Capel Capel of Hadham (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: Sir Charles Lucas his last speech at the place of execution, where hee was shot to death.: (London : Printed for R. Smithurst, neer Pye-corner, 1648), also by Roger Coke (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648: Two sallies forth by the Lord Goring and Sir Charles Lucas at Coulchester, on Munday and Tuesday last;: the manner of the severall fights, and the number that were killed and taken prisoners on both sides. The taking of the enemies court of guard, the setting fire thereof, and burning downe the wind-mills. With the examination of Mr. Osburn, touching the Kings Majesty; and the speech of Alderman Avery, at presenting the city petition; and the answer to the same by both Houses of Parliament. (London : Printed by B. A., Anno Dom. 1648), also by R. L., George Goring Norwich, and England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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